Renew Church is, above all things, Gospel-centered. Our church has intimate, authentic relationships and promotes diversity, healing, and transformation. Our church is missional, beautiful and full of the supernatural.


In 2015, while serving as a church-planter-in-residence at Grace Covenant Church in Northern Virginia, Pastor Dihan Lee and 11 other members of the community were sent out in 2015 to plant what would become Renew LA. The mission was to create a vibrant, multi-ethnic community focused on growing deeper with Jesus and in turn renewing a broken city. 

In Isaiah 61, the renewed are commissioned and called to go out to restore, rebuild, and renew the ruined city. This is our hope for Los Angeles. The once sick become proactive healers. The once broken-hearted now spread joy. And the once ruined become builders.


RENEW 2022


Diversity. Equity. Inclusion.

Scripture teaches us that every human is created in the image of God and therefore has inherent worth. We are a community that welcomes and empowers people of all races and cultural backgrounds so that no one is excluded from an opportunity to become a part of the family.



We are here to serve you. Please contact us if you need prayer, have questions about our services or ministries or if you want to get connected and get involved. We look forward to hearing from you.